Chapter 442 Down Inside Her Puss"Y:>>Ep16
- When Wendy returned nineteen years after that magic night we were both more experienced and our lovemaking was more of a celebration than an exploration. I knew then that I wanted Wendy as a wife, but she could not stay and could not explain why she could not. She said she wanted to. I went through the mad at Wendy stage and could have destroyed our relationship entirely if I had been able to express my angry feelings at the time. I was worried about the fact that on that second visit, with Wendy’s encouragement, I had taken the virginity of Mary Ann, Wendy’s daughter. This however was not the obstacle to our being together.
- To use a work analogy I then put having Wendy as an ambition, a bit like when I was driving that first Lend Lease Chevy truck I had an ambition to own a brand new truck. I made do with what I could get, and I did have some very loving ladies in my life as well as some nice second hand trucks, but Wendy was the summit of Everest I may never reach, but dreamed of.
- Then Wendy returned again another nineteen years on. We had another night of passion, which felt almost like a desperate attempt by Wendy to cling to a shred of normality. I relalised that whatever she was involved in, it was big and dangerous and it was more important to her than our relationship. I was jealous of something I knew nothing about. I found out later what was involved and I still shudder to think of it. We had our night of passion, accompanied by Wendy’s first lesbian experience and Wendy’s new lady friend’s first experience with a man, me. A virgin lesbian nurse fantasy threesome, wow.